Please note that you do not have to submit your apps to app stores at all. SkaDate apps fully utilize Progressive Web App (PWA) technology, which means you can deliver a complete mobile experience to your visitors directly through your website.

If you still want to distribute your apps through app stores, it is very important to understand what our App Store Submit and App Personalization services offer to avoid future misunderstanding. Here’s the staged process we use to launch mobile apps for customers:

  • 1. Branding – we will replace the default application branding, to correspond to your desktop website, and also remove the Site URL field for all visitors during the sign-in.
  • 2. Customization – we will customize your dating apps to make them more unique – change the color palette, internal app icons, component placement, etc.
  • 3. Monetization – we will enable in-app purchases in accordance with the setup of the desktop site and can offer you a modification enabling AdMob App advertising.
  • 4. Localization – we will give you all the necessary information to translate your apps into any desired language. Please contact SkaDate Support for more information.
  • 5. Application approval management – we will submit fully rebranded, customized and localized SkaDate Applications under your name to the App Store / Google Play for approval and try to appeal any received rejections from the stores.

Note: We cannot guarantee the application's approval as it is beyond our control, but we will do our best to get it submitted successfully.

Additional Rounds of Personalization and Store Re-submit

You can order additional personalization and submit service for $99 per each submit*. Here are the reasons you may need to re-submit (and re-personalize) the apps:

  • If you introduce any changes to the software code that also changes the behavior of mobile apps;
  • Apple and Google iterate their mobile platforms every year adding new features and sometimes removing old ones. This may need to changes in the default SkaDate mobile apps which you may need to re-submit;
  • SkaDate also iterates its products so you may want to apply the updates to your apps as well.

* The cost of re-personalization and re-submit of customized applications is not included in the Store Submit Service. Major code modifications are calculated separately, and agreed upon individually prior to the start of customization work.

It’s your sole discretion (and full responsibility) to keep your apps up in the App Stores and you may do this on your own. We offer this service because customers often want to trust us the whole process.

App Submit FAQ

1How long does it take for my apps to get approved?
It usually takes 2-3 weeks for Google Play and 2-3 months for Apple Store to approve your apps, given there are no problems with the submissions. We can not guarantee this time since sometimes Store editors interpret their own rules differently. If you plan your marketing campaigns it’s always a good idea to plan for longer approval times.
2Why can app be rejected?
Reasons may include:?
  • Nude content;
  • Intellectual property infringement;
  • Store editor team interpreting their own rules differently;
  • Virtually anything that can go wrong in a process where many people and complex technologies are involved.
  • Spam Design*

  • * This is a recent addition to the rejection reasons from the stores. Both Apple and Google are noting the abundance of similar looking and functioning apps in their stores. Both companies strive to feature only unique and original apps.

    Whatever happens with your submission we’ll work with the Apple and Google staff to have it resolved if at all possible. In case we encounter a situation where Apple or Google is not forthcoming with a resolution, you still have the option of running SkaDate Progressive Web Apps directly from your site, bypassing app stores entirely. Learn more about SkaDate PWA.

3What happens if my app is rejected by either or both of the App Stores?
Fortunately for you, our apps fully utilize the Progressive Web App technology. This means you do not have to rely on app stores at all, instead directly delivering the mobile experience to your visitors. If you still want to continue with distributing your apps through the app stores, we will do our best to appeal the decision until your apps are accepted, or we receive a definite unappealable rejection. The only way further will be to introduce significant changes to the app code and design at additional costs.

More questions are answered in the general FAQ section.